Conseil de l'Europe
National minority standards - A compilation of OSCE and Council of Europe texts (Russian version)
- Conseil de l'Europe
- 31 Mars 2015
- 9789287167781
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Some still more equal than others? or equal opportunities for all?
- Conseil de l'Europe
- 1 Janvier 2011
- 9789287173225
Inequality limits young people's chances in life. Yet equality is the basis of democracy and Article 14 of the European Convention on Human Rights secures the rights and freedoms of the young "without discrimination on any ground". Research shows that inequality - in opportunities, wealth or health, for example - is widespread in Europe and that the citizens of richer countries do not necessarily have healthier profiles than those of poorer countries. The citizens of egalitarian countries, on the other hand, have the highest life expectancy. This book examines many aspects of inequality and opportunity for young people including schooling, employment, social exclusion, labour migration, trafficking, disability, cultural and religious discrimination, youth work, and opposition and resistance.
Coherence policy markers for psychoactive substances
- Conseil de l'Europe
- 10 Février 2015
- 9789287180162
Identifying effective approaches to creating coherent policies regarding licit and illicit drugs has been the priority of the Pompidou Group during its 2010-14 work programme. Over the years, research has evolved in this field as demonstrated in the group's publications: From a policy on illegal drugs to a policy on psychoactive substances in 2008 and Towards an integrated policy on psychoactive substances: a theoretical and empirical analysis in 2010, and then Reflections on the concept of coherency for a policy on psychoactive substances and beyond in 2012.
This last publication attempted to put into perspective the salient points of what may be termed a coherent policy on psychoactive substances. It proposed six indicators, around which the concept of coherency was developed: conceptualisation, policy context, legislative and regulatory frameworks, strategic frameworks, responses/interventions and structures and resources.
The initial target for the use of these six indicators is that all drugs policies should be in line with the concept of "well-being". At the very least, they should not contradict each other and at best they should be in harmony. On this basis, in 2013 and 2014, researchers refined these indicators and tested them in their countries, namely Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Norway and Portugal to verify whether they provided a valid tool to measure the effectiveness and efficiency of a coherent policy on psychoactive substances.
The results appear in this publication and indicate that such markers may be indeed used as a basis for discussion on the issue of coherence and in some cases as a means to better implement coherent policies in respect to psychoactive substances, and also possibly policies that address other forms of addictive behaviour. -
Points de vue sur la jeunesse, volume 1 - 2020 - Quelles perspectives ?
- Conseil de l'Europe
- 10 Février 2015
- 9789287180230
Points de vue sur la jeunesse est une nouvelle série publiée par le partenariat entre la Commission européenne et le Conseil de l'Europe dans le domaine de la jeunesse avec le soutien de cinq pays - la Belgique, la Finlande, la France, l'Allemagne et le Royaume-Uni - et du Conseil nordique des ministres. Son objectif est de rapprocher les politiques nationales de jeunesse et de maintenir le dialogue européen sur les principaux problèmes des politiques nationales et supranationales de jeunesse en l'asseyant sur des bases solides en termes de contenu, d'expertise et de politiques. La série se veut un forum d'information, de discussion, de réflexion et de dialogue sur l'évolution des politiques, des recherches et du travail en matière de jeunesse en Europe.
La ligne conceptuelle doit être critique, prospective et l'expression des politiques européennes de jeunesse et de leur incidence sur la situation des jeunes. Elle doit identifier les tendances qui, dans ce domaine, nécessitent des réponses et des stratégies novatrices, tournées vers l'avenir. Cette série contribue à l'élaboration et à la promotion d'une politique et d'un travail de jeunesse qui soient fondés à la fois sur la connaissance et sur les principes de participation. Le premier volume a pour thème « 2020 - Quelles perspectives ? » et présente par conséquent les horizons qui s'offrent aux jeunes en Europe et ailleurs dans le monde, à la lumière de la recherche, des évolutions sociales, de la planification politique, des changements démographiques, de l'emploi, du développement durable, de la sécurité, etc. -
Manuel de l'animateur en éducation non formelle
- Conseil de l'Europe
- 10 Février 2015
- 9789287180551
Les politiques de jeunesse du Conseil de l'Europe ont pour objet d'offrir aux jeunes l'égalité des chances et l'expérience qui leur permettront de développer leurs savoirs, savoir-faire et compétences pour s'impliquer pleinement dans tous les secteurs de la société. Le programme d'activité vise à faire participer les jeunes, par l'intermédiaire de partenaires gouvernementaux et non gouvernementaux actifs dans le secteur de la jeunesse, en suivant les objectifs et les priorités des politiques de jeunesse de l'Organisation. Les participants aux activités d'éducation et de formation sont des « multiplicateurs » qui, au sein de leur organisation ou institution de jeunesse, contribuent à former d'autres jeunes et/ou à concevoir des activités et des programmes mettant en pratique les valeurs, les normes et les objectifs qui président aux politiques de jeunesse du Conseil de l'Europe.
Les principes de l'apprentissage non formel sont associés à des méthodesd'apprentissage « expérientiel », celles-ci étant les plus indiquées pour transformer la formation en une expérience utile et pertinente. Les activités sont mises en oeuvre conformément à des normes de qualité agréées par les partenaires et les participants aux activités.
La qualité de ces activités dépend, dans une large mesure, des compétences et des capacités des animateurs de ces processus éducatifs, dont beaucoup sont bénévoles au sein d'associations de jeunesse et de proximité. Ce manuel a été élaboré pour les aider à remplir ce rôle, en particulier lorsqu'ils sont intégrés aux équipes éducatives lors des sessions d'étude organisées au Centre européen de la jeunesse.
Cet ouvrage fournit des informations essentielles et des conseils pratiques à tous ceux qui, ponctuellement, sont associés à la planification et à la mise en oeuvre d'activités interculturelles relevant de l'éducation non formelle. Il s'inscrit dans le cadre des travaux du secteur jeunesse du Conseil de l'Europe destinés à soutenir les activités d'éducation non formelle sur l'ensemble du continent, à en améliorer la qualité, et, partant, à contribuer à ce qu'elles soient plus largement reconnues.
Perspectives on youth, volume 2 - Connections and disconnections
- Conseil de l'Europe
- 10 Février 2015
- 9772313099002
The theme of this issue of Perspectives on youth is "Connections and disconnections". Our authors have contributed articles on migration, employment mobility, new familial relations, the Internet and new media, young people's social and political engagement, their connections with their own countries, with Europe or the wider world, and intercultural contacts in general, and others besides.
They address the potential benefts but also the tensions and contradictions that are inherent in contemporary social, cultural, economic and technological changes. Such changes are creating opportunities for young people to connect in new and positive ways with other young people, with their families and communities and with social institutions, in ways that increasingly "cross borders" of various kinds. But it is also clear that these changes do not always take place in a smooth or mutually complementary way: expanded opportunities are not necessarily enhanced opportunities; increased participation in education has not translated into more and better employment prospects; societies and communities are increasingly diverse and yet some perceive this as a threat rather than an opportunity. A related question arises as to whether the policies that are designed both to shape and respond to young people's circumstances and the resulting practices are themselves appropriately connected or disconnected with each other.
Perspectives on youth is published by the partnership of the European Union and the Council of Europe in the feld of youth with the support of fve countries: Belgium, Finland, France, Germany and the United Kingdom. Its purpose is to bring national youth policies closer together and to keep the dialogue on key problems of child and youth policy on a solid foundation in terms of content, expertise and politics. The series aims to act as a forum for information, discussion, refection and dialogue on European developments in the feld of youth policy, youth research and youth work and to contribute to the development and promotion of a youth policy and of a youth work practice that is based on knowledge and participatory principles. It is also intended to be a forum for peer-learning between member states of the European Union and the Council of Europe. -
The Council of Europe, the oldest European organisation, was founded in 1949 with the aim of unifying the continent as a whole. The decision to establish its headquarters in Strasbourg was, moreover, symbolic of the desire for reconciliation between peoples. From the outset the Council of Europe adopted an institutional structure comprising a committee of ministers and a parliamentary assembly - the first in Europe. This book retraces the history of the Organisation.
Consisting initially of Western European states, the Council of Europe was destined to embrace all the continent's countries, but the Cold War delayed its enlargement. It is only since 1989 that the Council of Europe has become a truly pan-European organisation, now comprising 47 member states.
Its mission is based on three major goals: protecting human rights, promoting democratic values and guaranteeing the rule of law. The Council of Europe is also very active in fostering co-operation in all areas of life: education, sport, culture, etc. Starting in 1959, the European Court of Human Rights grew to become the Organisation's flagship institution: its judgments are binding on the member states.
As an intergovernmental organisation, the Council of Europe has had to contend with the growth of the European Union and has sought constantly to redefine its role in international relations. In these early years of the 21st century, will it succeed in securing a key position in the European institutional architecture? -
Droits de l'homme en Europe : la complaisance n'a pas sa place
- Conseil de l'Europe
- 20 Octobre 2014
- 9789287177896
Il y a loin du discours politique sur les droits de l'homme à la réalité quotidienne en Europe. Certes, les responsables politiques se disent presque tous favorables à la protection de la liberté et de la justice. Des normes relatives aux droits de l'homme ont été adoptées aux niveaux européen et international et, pour beaucoup d'entre elles, intégrées en droit interne. Pour autant, ces normes ne se traduisent pas toujours dans les faits, car elles ne sont pas systématiquement mises en oeuvre.C'est de ce déficit de mise en oeuvre que traite le présent ouvrage. Il rassemble des « points de vue » ou des articles que Thomas Hammarberg a publiés, puis mis à jour, depuis qu'il exerce les fonctions de Commissaire aux droits de l'homme du Conseil de l'Europe, c'est-a-dire depuis avril 2006. A ce jour, il s'est rendu dans la quasi-totalité des 47 Etats membres du Conseil de l'Europe. A chaque fois, il a rencontré des victimes de violations des droits de l'homme et leur famille, des responsables politiques, des procureurs, des juges, des policiers, des ombudsmans, des chefs religieux, des journalistes, des représentants de la société civile, des personnes détenues ou internées. Les « points de vue » que l'ont inspirés ces multiples visites résument ses réflexions, conclusions et recommandations.
Developing intercultural competence through education (Pestalozzi series No. 3)
- Conseil de l'Europe
- 20 Octobre 2014
- 9789287179852
This is the third book in the Pestalozzi series. The first, Teacher education for change, dealt with the underlying philosophy of the Pestalozzi Programme and its approach to education in general and teacher education in particular. The second Intercultural competence for all, looked at the various implications of promoting the development of intercultural competence as a main concern of mainstream education.
This work takes a step further towards the full integration of intercultural competences as a key element within the education system. It aims at offering an educational rationale and conceptual framework for the development of intercultural competence, as well as a clear description of its constitutive elements to be developed in and through education. -
Bookmarks - A manual for combating hate speech online through human rights education
- Conseil de l'Europe
- 20 Octobre 2014
- 9789287179036
The work of the Council of Europe for democracy is strongly based on education: education in schools, and education as a lifelong learning process of practising democracy, such as in non-formal learning activities. Human rights education and education for democratic citizenship form an integral part of what we have to secure to make democracy sustainable.
Hate speech is one of the most worrying forms of racism and discrimination prevailing across Europe and amplified by the Internet and social media. Hate speech online is the visible tip of the iceberg of intolerance and ethnocentrism. Young people are directly concerned as agents and victims of online abuse of human rights; Europe needs young people to care and look after human rights, the life insurance for democracy.
Bookmarks is published to support the No Hate Speech Movement youth campaign of the Council of Europe for human rights online. Bookmarks is useful for educators wanting to address hate speech online from a human rights perspective, both inside and outside the formal education system. The manual is designed for working with learners aged 13 to 18 but the activities can be adapted to other age ranges.
Europe and the Spectre of Post-Growth Society
Piotr A. Switalski
- Conseil de l'Europe
- 20 Octobre 2014
- 9789287178992
Europe has been going through its most serious crisis of values since the fall of communism. In public discourse, economic and social pressures have overshadowed the other dimensions of the crisis, including societal values. However, the crisis of values would appear to be more than simply an effect of the recession.
Europeans have lost trust in democratic institutions at all levels: European, national and local. Rising xenophobia and discrimination against minorities undermine the vitality of the European model of tolerance. Europe is plagued by endemic corruption which costs it more than EUR100 billion annually, triggering political instability.
Some believe that once Europe is back on the path of growth the crisis of values will disappear, and that there will be a resurgence of faith in European integration.
But in the long term, growth in Western societies may be impaired by serious "headwinds" resulting from demographic trends and rising inequalities, and Europe may become the first post-growth society. European societies are already changing their traditional characteristics as a result of exposure to the effects of two global mega-trends: the empowerment of the individual and cosmopolitisation.
Can the European project be of relevance when addressing these challenges? What role in this process can be played by the Council of Europe, which is the embodiment of the idea that Europe is big-ger than the European Union and the European agenda is richer than the economy and politics? -
Shaping language rights - Commentary on the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages in light of the Committee of Experts' evaluation (Regional or Minority Languages, No.9)
- Conseil de l'Europe
- 30 Mars 2015
- 9789287174086
The European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages protects and promotes traditionally used regional or minority languages in Europe.This volume provides an in-depth analysis of the provisions of the Charter in light of the monitoring work done by the Committee of Experts since 2001. An article-by-article commentary by legal experts examines the meaning and implications of the provisions of the Charter and studies best practice and shortcomings in its implementation by states parties.
Créé en 1949, le Conseil de l'Europe, première organisation européenne, avait pour objectif l'unification du continent dans son entier. Le choix de Strasbourg pour y établir son siège symbolisait d'ailleurs la volonté de réconciliation entre les peuples. Le Conseil de l'Europe s'est doté dès le départ d'une structure institutionnelle comportant un Comité des ministres et une Assemblée parlementaire - la première en Europe. Cet ouvrage retrace l'histoire de cette organisation.
Constitué au départ par des Etats d'Europe occidentale, le Conseil de l'Europe avait vocation à intégrer tous les pays du continent, mais cet élargissement a été retardé par la guerre froide. Ce n'est qu'à partir de 1989 que le Conseil de l'Europe est devenu une véritable organisation paneuropéenne qui compte désormais 47 Etats membres.
Sa mission est centrée sur trois objectifs majeurs: protéger les droits de l'homme, promouvoir les valeurs démocratiques et garantir l'Etat de droit. Mais le Conseil de l'Europe développe également une activité intense pour favoriser la coopération dans tous les domaines de la vie sociale : éducation, sport, culture, etc. A partir de 1959, la Cour européenne des droits de l'homme devient l'institution phare du Conseil : ses arrêts s'imposent aux Etats membres.
Organisation intergouvernementale, le Conseil de l'Europe est confronté à l'évolution de l'Union européenne et cherche constamment à redéfinir sa place dans les relations internationales. A l'aube du XXIe siècle, parviendra-t-il à occuper une position clé dans l'architecture européenne ? -
Convention du Conseil de l'Europe sur la prévention et la lutte contre la violence à l'égard des femmes et la violence domestique et rapport explicatif, Istanbul (Turquie) 11.V.2011, STCE n° 210
- Conseil de l'Europe
- 31 Mars 2015
- 9789287174062
La Convention du Conseil de l'Europe sur la prévention et la lutte contre la violence à l'égard des femmes et la violence domestique (STCE n° 210) est le premier instrument juridique contraignant traitant de la violence à l'égard des femmes et de la violence domestique en Europe. Elle contient un large éventail d'obligations visant la prévention de ces formes de violence, la protection des victimes, la poursuite des auteurs d'infractions, la mise en oeuvre de politiques coordonnées et la promotion de la coopération internationale. Elle prévoit également un mécanisme de suivi. La Convention reconnait que la violence à l'égard des femmes est une violation des droits humains. Ce texte constitue une étape majeure en faveur de la réalisation de l'égalité entre les femmes et les hommes en droit comme en fait.
Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence and explanatory report, Istanbul (Turkey) 11.V.2011, CETS No. 210
- Conseil de l'Europe
- 31 Mars 2015
- 9789287174079
The Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (CETS No. 210) is the first legally binding instrument to address violence against women and domestic violence in Europe. It contains a wide range of obligations aiming to prevent violence, protect its victims, prosecute the perpetrators, implement co-ordinated policies and promote international co-operation. It also envisages a monitoring mechanism. The convention recognises violence against women as a violation of human rights and is a major step forward in achieving gender equality in law and in fact.
Fostering social mobility as a contribution to social cohesion
- Conseil de l'Europe
- 31 Mars 2015
- 9789287173423
Social mobility is linked to social cohesion in a number of complex ways. In essence it concerns social fairness and is a measure of how equal economic opportunities or life chances are, and how a society transforms principles of equal opportunity into reality.Intergenerational mobility of income or socio-economic status demonstrates the real extent to which equality exists in a society. A more cohesive society is one where people are not divided on socio-economic or other grounds, citizens accept that the division of rewards is fair and everyone has equal starting points in life.This study examines the factors influencing social mobility and policies which might be put in place to facilitate it, in particular those concerning welfare services, child care, the education system, career structures and labour-market services.
Adoption - Law and practice under the Revised European Convention on the Adoption of Children
- Conseil de l'Europe
- 20 Octobre 2014
- 9789287178473
The Revised European Convention on the" Adoption of Children (RECAC) was introduced by the Council of Europe in 2008, in an effort to provide a modern framework for the adoption of children. It represents an international consensus on acceptable child adoption, reflecting the different views, legal diversity and common heritage of member states.
This book provides an in-depth analysis and commentary on each of the 30 articles of the revised convention. It is a comprehensive work which explores the changes and developments that have taken place since the 1967 Convention on the Adoption of Children first emerged. It is a detailed, one-stop source for judges, social workers, legislatures and adoption practitioners on all aspects of the RECAC. This clear and incisive text is divided into three parts, commencing with an overview of the convention, followed by an examination of the general principles and concluding with the final clauses.
Landscape facets. Reflections and proposals for the implementation of the European Landscape Convention
- Conseil de l'Europe
- 31 Mars 2015
- 9789287170828
The European Landscape Convention was adopted under the auspices of the Council of Europe with the aim of promoting the protection, management and planning of European landscape and organising European co-operation in this area. It is the first international treaty covering all aspects of landscape. It applies to the entire territory of the contracting parties and covers natural, rural, urban and peri-urban areas. It concerns landscapes that might be considered outstanding, commonplace or deteriorated. The convention represents an important contribution to achieving the Council of Europe's objectives, namely to promote democracy, human rights and the rule of law, as well as to seek common solutions to the main problems facing European society. By taking into account landscape, culture and nature, the Council of Europe seeks to protect the quality of life and well-being of Europeans in a sustainable development perspective.
The history of youth work in Europe, Volume 3 - Relevance for today's youth work policy
- Conseil de l'Europe
- 31 Mars 2015
- 9789287176844
Following on from the first two volumes of History of youth work in Europe, each of which was based on international seminars, the Belgian Presidency of the European Union held an international and interdisciplinary conference on the history of youth work. This third volume presents the work of this conference, which widened the scope of study from national histories to questions concerning the historical evolution of youth work methods, theories and targets. The 1st European Conference on the History of Youth Work made a two-pronged contribution: to learn from history and to engage in intercultural exchange and learning. This publication is intended to build bridges between past and future, east and west, north and south - and to inform contemporary debate on youth work and youth policy in Europe.
Adoption - Droit et pratique établis par la Convention européenne révisée en matière d'adoption des enfants
- Conseil de l'Europe
- 20 Octobre 2014
- 9789287179654
La Convention européenne en matière d'adoption des enfants (révisée) (CEAER) a été introduite par le Conseil de l'Europe en 2008 afin d'instituer un cadre moderne dans ce domaine. Elle représente un consensus international sur ce qui constitue une procédure acceptable d'adoption des enfants, en tenant compte des différents points de vue, de la diversité juridique et du patrimoine commun des Etats membres.
Cet ouvrage offre une analyse et un commentaire approfondis de chacun des 30 articles de la convention révisée. Cette étude exhaustive révèle les changements et évolutions intervenus depuis l'élaboration de la Convention de 1967 en matière d'adoption des enfants. C'est une source unique et détaillée d'informations pour les juges, les travailleurs sociaux, les parlementaires et les praticiens de l'adoption sur tous les aspects de la CEAER. Ce texte clair et incisif est divisé en trois parties, débutant par une vue d'ensemble de la convention, suivie d'un examen des principes généraux et s'achevant par les clauses finales. -
Ce rapport fait partie d'une série d'analyses internationales des politiques nationales de jeunesse menées par le Conseil de l'Europe, en collaboration et en consultation avec les agences gouvernementales et les ministères responsables du développement et de la mise en oeuvre de la politique de jeunesse, ainsi qu'avec les organisations non gouvernementales de jeunesse. Les analyses sont menées par une équipe internationale qui présente les forces de la politique de jeunesse du pays et, de façon constructive, les défis que ce pays doit relever dans ce domaine, en s'appuyant le cas échéant sur des preuves et des débats de portée internationale.
Le processus des analyses internationales a été introduit en vue de remplir trois fonctions distinctes :
- fournir des conseils sur les politiques nationales de jeunesse ;
- identifier les composantes dont la combinaison pourrait constituer l'approche d'une politique de jeunesse en Europe ;
- contribuer à un processus d'apprentissage lié au développement et à la mise en oeuvre d'une politique de jeunesse. -
Right to Remember - A Handbook for Education with Young People on the Roma Genocide
- Conseil de l'Europe
- 23 Octobre 2014
- 9789287179685
Right to Remember is a self-contained educational resource for all those wishing to promote a deeper awareness of the Roma Genocide and combat discrimination. The handbook is based on the principles of human rights education, and places remembrance as an aspect of learning about, through and for human rights.
Strengthening the identity of Roma young people is a priority for the Roma Youth Action Plan of the Council of Europe. This implies the creation of an environment where they can grow up free from discrimination and confident about their identity and future perspectives, while appreciating their history and their plural cultural backgrounds and affiliations.
The Roma Genocide carried out before and during the Second World War has deeply impacted on Roma communities across Europe and plays a central role in understanding the prevailing antigypsyim and discrimination against Roma. Learning about the Genocide is very important for all young people. For Roma young people it is also a way to understand what was perpetrated against their communities, and to help them to com to terms with their identity and situation today.
Involving young people, including Roma youth, in researching, discussing and discovering the meanings of the Roma Genocide is a way to involve them as agents and actors in their own understanding of human rights and of history.
Right to Remember includes educational activities, as well as ideas for commemoration events, and information about the Genocide and its relevance to the situation of the Roma people today. It has been designed primarily for youth workers in non-formal settings, but it will be useful for anyone working in education, including in schools.
Standard-setting through monitoring? The role of Council of Europe expert bodies in the development of human rights
- Conseil de l'Europe
- 23 Octobre 2014
- 9789287176752
A variety of mechanisms has been established in the Council of Europe to monitor compliance with human rights standards.This publication discusses four specific monitoring bodies, namely the Advisory Committee on the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities, the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance, and the European Committee of Social Rights. By assessing and comparing the monitoring procedures and standard-setting activities of these expert bodies, the authors make an essential contribution to the discourse on the Council of Europe's role - both current and future - with regard to human rights.This book constitutes a rich source of information on the dialogue between the four committees and European states. It is addressed to practitioners, diplomats and decision makers at national level to deepen their understanding of the aims and functioning of Council of Europe monitoring mechanisms. Students and academics will gain a comprehensive insight into the legal bases, mandates and procedures of such mechanisms. Finally, it is hoped that the expert bodies themselves will gain much from the authors' analysis of present-day challenges for monitoring and the impact their implementation standards may have on the development of the European human rights order.
The intercultural city step by step - Practical guide for applying the urban model of intercultural integration
- Conseil de l'Europe
- 23 Octobre 2014
- 9789287178183
Most countries in Europe and indeed around the world are facing the challenges of international migration and integration of minorities. It falls primarily upon cities to design and implement policies that foster community cohesion and turn cultural diversity into a factor of development rather than a threat.This guide is designed for city leaders and practitioners wishing to learn from the Intercultural Cities pilot project run by the Council of Europe and the European Commission in developing an intercultural approach to diversity management and integration. This approach has been built on the basis of experience in dozens of real-life cities in redesigning their policies and reshaping their governance to ensure equal opportunities and realise a diversity advantage.The guide recommends steps and measures to help develop an intercultural strategy and monitor its implementation. It illustrates the elements of such a strategy with analytical questions, suggestions and examples of practice in various European cities.It is expected that any city embarking on the Intercultural Cities agenda is a confident and competent entity that is able to creatively adapt the general concepts and actions contained in this guide to local circumstances.This guide is therefore not an instruction manual but rather an aide-memoire to support cities as they create their own trajectory.